
Tempo Music & Dance Academy

(5 Reviews)

2228 NE 123rd St, North Miami, FL 33181


State: Florida
Address: 2228 NE 123rd St, North Miami, FL 33181
Zip code: 33181
Phone: (305) 960-7721
Website: None
Opening hours
Monday: None
Tuesday: None
Wednesday: None
Thursday: None
Friday: None
Saturday: None
Sunday: None


Tempo Music & Dance Academy's location is 2228 NE 123rd St, North Miami, FL 33181 and the ZIP Code is 33181. If you want to check the detailed scholarships, fellowships, grants, and other financial aid award opportunities or just ask for something, please contact Tempo Music & Dance Academy by phone at (305) 960-7721 or visit None for more help.

Recommended Customer Ratings & Reviews

Unique Starz Studio
(June 28, 2018, 11:31 pm)

LOVE EVErythin about them! Amazing vibes, amazing dancer, amazing people!

Bill Carson
(October 14, 2015, 3:46 pm)

A phenomenal juniors competition team! The hardest working young dancers in the most supportive and warm environment ever. Brilliant choreographer and expertly managed in a very basic studio that keeps tuition low. Now at

Serra Ann Fonte
(February 21, 2018, 10:15 pm)

This school and parish community is truly special. We came to Minnesota just after SJB school transitioned from traditional to Montessori (2016). I've been debating leaving a review because my husband is the principal and it may appear biased, but our 2.5 year old has absolutely THRIVED in the Toddler Community and I want to share our family's unique experience. Our 2.5 year-old daughter is our first child so I was naturally quite hesitant at first to have her away from me for a few hours, four mornings a week. We had been already learning and embracing a lot of Montessori principles in our home environment (love love it), but it was becoming clear that this Momma needed some support/ a regular break for a mother's sanity. Our girl is what many would call a wonderfully "spirited child," who seems to be happy with lots of sensory and social input. After I visited and observed the toddlers (making their own snacks, quietly washing dishes, joyfully playing instruments and working with puzzles), I knew it could be a great fit for our dear busy bee daughter, so my husband and I decided to give it a go (it helped my heart knowing Daddy would be right there if she needed it!). I was blown away by the professionalism and skill of the Toddler Guide and assistants, and the classroom space is honestly breathtaking, with its natural colors, window view of the lake and beautiful tot-sized and thoughtfully prepared materials. I am very sensitive to the aesthetics of an environment, so this meant a lot to me. This current school year the school is just continuing to blossom. Some of my favorite things are the new parent gathering room (where I can get coffee and nurse my newborn), the amazing classical artwork throughout the hallways (its like a museum!), and the free family film nights (the kids have a blast with their friends while the parents chat and relax). What I am most grateful for, though, is the tight-knit community that is developing among the families. We celebrate each other’s new arrivals, make meals for one another and encourage each other in this often-challenging season of raising young children. SJB is such a gift. I'm proud to be a parent ... AND yes, the wife of the principal

Marie Flores
(November 9, 2017, 2:19 am)

This is such a special school! I was driving my son 45 minutes one way to a Catholic Montessori for two years so I was overjoyed when St John the Baptist Catholic Montessori opened in Excelsior. It is so much closer and my son has been loving it! He is sad on the weekends because he wants to go to school! The Guides and staff are so well prepared/educated, available and caring. I know I can talk to them about any concerns. I really love Montessori and this is Montessori done right. And it is genuinely Catholic to boot! My son has learned so much socially and emotionally as well as academically. Montessori really addresses the whole child, not just academics. And at the same time he can learn at his own pace and he gets lots of individualized attention which has really helped him to advance academically. I was so excited this school opened up just when we needed it and it goes from Toddler through 8th grade which is really wonderful because the Guides really have time to develop relationships with the children and the children with each other. I am so blessed to have found this unique school, my son couldn't be happier

Dorwatha Woods
(July 28, 2017, 3:35 pm)

This beautifully landscaped Montessori Catholic School is in the competent hands of a highly educated Principal, Mr. Nicholas Fonte. He is upgrading the entire school to a Montessori learning environment. It is exciting and will be highly beneficial and affordable for all families!

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Frequently Asked Questions about Tempo Music & Dance Academy

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